2x4 wood hatch for autocad
2x4 wood hatch for autocad

2x4 wood hatch for autocad

The plan I’ve included above is a very small excerpt of the overall floor plan and there are 8 different wall types that have been keyed … and that doesn’t include the default wall type – a 2×4 interior wall with 5/8″ gypsum board on each side, which is left unkeyed. This is a result of using Building Information Modeling (BIM) and the methodology that the people doing the drafting go through in order bring about some sense of balance to the final product, except it isn’t exactly working. Granted, we are always looking to try and improve upon our graphic communication skills, and I am not inherently resistive to doing things a new way, but 37 different wall types for a residential project is enough to render them all meaningless. I have been redlining the drawings over the past few days and when I got to the methodology used for tagging the wall types, it almost made my head explode. This is a large house ( three stories around 13,500 square feet total, 9,500 of which is air-conditioned) and the set of drawings is spectacularly dense and comprehensive. I have a residential project currently on the boards that is approximately 75-80% through the construction drawings process.

2x4 wood hatch for autocad

As it is, this project has 37 different wall types (20 exterior and 17 interior). I think we would all agree that 8 billion is a lot of wall types and that number would suggest that something has gone terribly wrong. It’s the latter item that sent me over the edge.

#2x4 wood hatch for autocad how to

This sketch is a graphic representation of a conversation I had about the purpose of wall types, how to key them, and how to avoid having 8 billion different wall types. The sketch above is what started it all – messy and not really meant for public consumption, but yet here we are. The reason I am talking about this is that I spent quite a bit of time going over it last week and felt that I needed to share my pain regarding the process. There is the way I want to do it, the way everyone else wants to do it, and the result is some odd hybridization of the two – not quite what it needs to be in either format. It’s been a while since my last Architectural Graphics post and to be honest, I’m not really prepared to talk about wall types today … but there is unrest in my office. Architectural Graphics 101 is back and today we are talking about wall types, a topic so sexy that I don’t know how anybody is going to make it all the way through this post without having to take a shower.

2x4 wood hatch for autocad